
Marleaux BassGuitar

Artists (A-Z)

Marco Alleatra

Appeared and/or recorded for Shadmehr Aghili “Persian King of Pop“, Gil Edwards (Nor/USA), Chronatic Quartet (GER). www.marcoalleata.com

Jürgen Attig

Appeared and/or recorded with King of Lion HH, NDR Big Band, Bireli Lagrene, Felix de Luxe, Dennis Chambers, Dave Weckl, Gerry Brown, Brian Melvin, Vinnie Colaiuta, Kenwood Dennard, Hiram Bullock. Dozent

Decebal Badila

Romanian Master-Bassplayer, Composer and Multi-Instrumentalist. Appeared and/or recorded with SWR-Big Band Stuttgart und vielen internationalen Jazz-Stars (Bob Mintzer, Bireli Lagrene, Shirley Bassey, Larry Coryell, Eugen Cicero …)

Nicole Badila

Appeared and/or recorded with voice & bass, Linda Rocco, Lothar Krell, Benjamin Davis. Freelance artist, studio musician, docent, author. http://www.nicolebadila.com

Kay Brem

Appeared and/or recorded with Nuclear Blast, Eluveitie, Cataract. Marleaux BassGuitars Endorser. www.myspace.com/4stringkiller

Jenne Brüssow

Appeared and/or recorded with Stars in Concert, Lift, Die Zöllner, Yvonne Catterfeld. Musical- and Showproduction, Producer. http://www.myspace.com/jennebruessow

Ariane Cap

Appeared and/or recorded with Tempest, Mozartband, Sippy Cups, Brian Cline Band, Palmwine Boys. http://arianecap.com/

Sven de Corte

Appeared and/or recorded for JennaRot, Manic Movement und Claya. www.facebook.com/svencrow

René Decker

Appeared and/or recorded with Yvonne Catterfeld, Al di Miola. Producer. http://www.decker-music.com

Joanna Dudkowska

Appeared and/or recorded for Niki Buzz, Dr Blues, Piotr Kaluzny, Felicjan Andrzejczak, Wojciech Hoffmann and many more. www.facebook.com | www.youtube.com

Uriah Duffy

Appeared and/or recorded with Whitesnake (Bandmember), Christina Aguilera, Alicia Keys, The Family Stone,  Lyrics Born … http://www.uriahduffy.com

Norbert Dömling

Appeared and/or recorded with Toto Blanke, Billy Cobham, Bireli Lagrene, Toots Thielemans, Trilok Gurtu, Jasper van’t Hof,  Joachim Kühn, Charlie Mariano. Dozent and author. http://www.doemling.com

Christian Fabian

Zusammenarbeit als Bassist u.a. für Fabian Zone Trio, Lionel Hampton Big Band, Jon Hendricks, Roy Hargrove, Gary Burton, Elvin Jones, Chaka Khan, Bob Mintzer, Charlie Mariano, Gloria Gaynor … http://www.christianfabian.com/

Karsten Fernau

Appeared and/or recorded with Hanjo Gäbler, Musical Night, Martin Pepper, Brigitte Karow and Paul Singers. Docent and editor.

Florian Friedrich

Appeared and/or recorded for Sven Ratzke, Fay Lovsky, Florians Bassunterricht, Claron McFadden, Ellen ten Damme. www.florianfriedrich.com

Arnd Fuchs

Appeared and/or recorded for Nils Landgren, Ack van Rooyen, Lorenzo Petrocca, Melvin Edmondson, Asita Djavadi, Oliver Jaksch and Bridget Fogle, editor. facebook.com

Ralf Gauck

Solo bassist and author, collaboration as a bassist with, among others, Michael Manring (USA), Tony Sheridan (UK), Ian Melrose (Scotland), Andres Godoy (Chile), the Hermit’s Hermits (UK). https://www.ralf-gauck.eu

Arnd Geise

Appeared and/or recorded with Randy Brecker, Sarah Conner, Thomas D, Caro, Omar Hakim, Teddy Richards, Matalexx. Marleaux BassGuitars Artists.

Marius Goldhamer

Appeared and/or recorded Chaka Khan, Joy Denalane, Edo Zanki, Nils Landgren, Pohlmann, Gentleman, Joo Kraus. Teacher at MuHo Köln and MuHo Osnabrück. www.mariusgoldhammer.net

Hoochan Jo

Appeared and/or recorded for K-pop, Musical “Wicked” and “Kinky boots”, Main Street, Whose Monday. https://www.youtube.com/user/johoochan


Appeared and/or recorded with Mike Stern, Danny Gottlieb, David Garibaldi, Tony Royster Jr, Alain Caron, Jan Akkerman, Candy Dulfer … https://jay-tee-teterissa.webnode.com/

Steevn John

Appeared and/or recorded with When We Become Kings. www.facebook.com

Jermaine Hall

Appeared and/or recorded with and many others Jay Oliver, Steve Weingart, Bishop Paul Morton, Jonathan Butler, Ede Wright, Brown Stone, Angella Christie, Gabbie McGee. facebook.com/bassicallyme | http://www.reverbnation.com/jermainehall

Jens-Ulrich Handreka

Appeared and recorded with Richie Arndt & The Bluenatics, Frank Gambale, Supercharge. http://www.myspace.com/handreka

Max Hughes

Appeared and/or recorded with Chaka Kahn, John-Paul Bourelly, Toni Braxton, Wolfgang Dauner, Jocelyn B.Smith. Docent.

Kurt Holzkämper

Appeared and/or recorded with  Bé, Luiz Brasil,  Gunter Hampel, Leszek Zadlo, Ernie Watts, Lafayette Harris. http://www.bassmusik.de

Benni “BeJay” Jud

Appeared and/or recorded with Kollegah, Gregor Meyle, Cassandra Steen, Wolfgang Dauner, Fabiano Pereira, Ray Wilson … www.benjaminjud.de

Heiko Jung

Appeared and/or recorded with Panzerballett, Martin Grubinger, Emergency Room (Joe Bowie), Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Klaus Doldinger`s Passport, Ulf Wakenius … http://www.heikojung.com

Debra Killings

Appeared and/or recorded with Jay-Z, TLC, Monica, Curtis Mayfield, OutKast, The Mo’Nique Show, Santana, Nelly, LL Cool J http://www.debrakillings.com/

Julian Langer

Appeared and/or recorded with Tommy Denander, Thorunn Egilsdottir (Voice of Germany), When Airy Met Fairy, Bobby Kimball, Sandalinas, Edge of Thorns, BigBand Art of Music. www.julian-langer.de

Lars Lehmann

Appeared and/or recorded with Mousse T., Roachfoard, Marla Glen, Uli Jon Roth, Pee Wee Ellis, Konstantin Wecker, Simon Phillips. Lecturer, editor-in-chief and textbook author. http://www.larslehmann.com

Boris “The Beast“ Löbsack

Appeared and/or recorded with Michael Krebs und die “Pommesgabeln des Teufels”, “Arbeitsgruppe Zukunft”, “Bühne 36”, Marc-Uwe Kling …

Josh “Swing” Lozada

Appeared and/or recorded with Richie Ray & Bobby Cruz, Jose “Papo” Rivera, J. Holiday, Force MD’s, Julissa, Eric Lopez … www.joshlozada.com | www.facebook.com/JoshSwingLozada

Donni Bella Luna

Bassist for MY BABY WANTS TO EAT YOUR PUSSY. Appeared and/or recorded with Udo Lindenberg, Jean Jaques Kravetz. http://www.myspace.com/donnibellaluna

Enrique Mancía

Appeared and/or recorded with January Jane, Von Voigt, Rob Decoup, Freddy Fuego’s X-Tet, Eye-Ra Haze, and SomeonElse. Audio Engineer, Composer. www.enriquemancia.com

Etienne Mbappé

Appeared and/or recorded with Zawinul Syndikat, John McLaughlin, Salif Keita, Manu Dibango, Steps Ahead, Ray Charles, Ray Lema, Mayra Andrade, Ultramarine, Bill Evans … http://www.etiennembappe.com/

Swaéli Mbappé

Appeared and/or recorded with Etienne Mbappè http://www.facebook.com/

Alvin Mills

Appeared and/or recorded with Ronan Keating, Mary J. Blige, Les McCann, Hiram Bullock, Roy Hargrove, Ricky Lawson, T.M. Stevens, Nena. http://www.alvinmills.com

Danny Miranda

Appeared and/or recorded with Queen & Paul Rodgers, Blue Öyster Cult, Faith and Fire www.myspace.com/dannymirandamusic

Alexander Cuesta Moreno

Appeared and/or recorded with Markus Strothmann, Ansgar Specht, Edy Martínez, Gabriel Rondón, Armando Velázquez, Joe Madrid, Francisco Cristancho, Plinio Córdoba. Dozent, Music producer. alexandercuesta.com | facebook.com

NICKO (Nick Latham)

Bass player and electronic music producer from the UK. Alongside working on solo projects, NICKO is currently bass player for etherial dance/pop band LOWES and experimental indie group Seven Seals. www.nickonickonicko.net/

Agnes Petkute

Appeared and/or recorded with Frank McComb, Roy Louis Band, Gerardo Rosales www.myspace.com/agnespetkute

Henning Protzmann

Appeared and/or recorded with Panta Rhei, Karat, Lift Jazzin the Blues www.henning-protzmann.de/

David Raymond

Appeared and/or recorded with Khris Royal und Kourtney Heart. http://www.myspace.com/504bassman

Rubén Rubio

Appeared and/or recorded with Chenoa, Manu Herrera Grupo, Kio & Shara, Javier Conde, Carles Benavent … www.rubenrubiobass.com

David Pastorius

Appeared and/or recorded with Local 518, Freelance musician, lecturer, studio musician. http://www.facebook.com/davidpastoriusmusic | http://www.reverbnation.com/local518

Stefan Pomplun

Bassist for DENMANTAU. www.denmantau.com

Henning Protzmann

Founding member of Karat and Jazzin’ the Blues http://www.jazzintheblues.de

Samy Saemann

Appeared and/or recorded with Freedom Call, Jiggerjam, Popular Strangers, Lana, Megabite, John Davis, lecturer. http://www.samy-saemann.de

Joe Sanchez

Freelance musician for 38 years performing at National Festivals, Theaters, Club Circuits, Private Events, Session Work, and clinics. www.facebook.com

Angeline Saris

Appeared and/or recorded with Zepparella and Narada Michael Walden Band. http://www.angelinesaris.com | http://www.facebook.com/AngelineSarisBass

Philipp Schardt

Appeared and/or recorded with Die Resonanz, Marion Raven, Eisblume, Nicole Scherzinger, James Morrison, Zucchero. Marleaux BassGuitars Endorser. http://www.philippschardt.com

Chip Shearin

Appeared and/or recorded with  Bob James, Steve Reid, Phil Perry, Janet Jackson, Special EFX, Michael Bolton, SugarHill Gang, Incognito, Maysa, Faith Evans, Rock and Roll hall of fame associate! http://chipshearinmusic.com/

Emanuel Stanley

Appeared and/or recorded with  Köln Big Band, Chris Farlowe, Roy Herrington, Marleena Shaw, Manu Dibango, Des’ree, Gitte Haenning, Kamal Ben Hicham, Andru Donalds, Nomads, Soultalk … http://www.emanuelstanley.com

Vadim Tamaev

Studio and session musician, composer (including several soundtracks), conductor, arranger, lecturer, Marleaux BassGuitars endorser http://www.myspace.com/vadimtamaev

Silas Talacua

Appeared and/or recorded with  Danny Kalima (Malawi), Funky Fools (Netherlands), JC’s Groove (Netherlands), Freelance Bassist … www.facebook.com

Frans Vollink

Appeared and/or recorded with  Sebastiaan Cornelissen Trio, Gary Husband, John Hondorp Trio, Frontline Showband, Marc Guillermont … http://www.myspace.com/fransvollink

Adriano Vilela

Appeared and/or recorded with Endrah, Brazilian Bassplayer, Marleaux BassGuitars artist … www.metalmedia.com | www.endrah.com

Goran Vujic

Appeared and/or recorded with Lafee, Ricky Garcia, GUT, Phishbacher New York Electric Trio, Alex de Macedo … www.myspace.com/goranvujic | www.reverbnation.com/goranvujic

Kevin Walker

Appeared and/or recorded with Justin Timberlake, Prince, Kanye West, Will.I.Am, Timberland, Patti Labelle, T.I., Wilson Picket, Roy Ayers, Will Downing, Angela Bofill, Najee http://www.myspace.com/kevinwalkerbassist

Robert Wayne

Appeared and/or recorded with  Mary J Blidge, CoolGang Band, Marla Glen, Thomas Gottschalk. http://www.bflat13.de

Anthony Wellington

Bassist of the Victor Wooten Band, lecturer http://www.anthonywellington.com/

Lisa Wulff

Appeared and/or recorded with  Nils Landgren, NDR Bigband, Musical König der Löwen, Daniel Bertram, Franz Plasa … www.lisawulff.de

Zeljko Jake Zuber

Appeared and/or recorded with  Monique Miller Band, Whitney Houston, Jay-Z, Unit-E, Cloudy, Ski Johnson, Hari Mata Hari, Dino Merlin, Alma , Neda Ukraden http://www.myspace.com/zeljkojakezuber/